Posted on 1/3/2023
We recently lost one of our favorite customers, Frank Johnson. Following are reflections from our years of doing business with a great man. Sending love, thoughts, and prayers from All Tech Automotive to Frank's family and those who knew and loved him! Frank was a long-time customer at our shop, and an outstanding example of a wonderful businessman and family man. Frank's 1999 Ford Expedition saw over 360,000 miles - not because it was that reliable of a vehicle, but because Frank cared for it that well. Oil and filter changes. Pre-trip inspections. Suspension repairs. Tune-ups. Transmission replacement. Engine replacement. Failed emissions diagnostics. A lot of work, over a lot of years. He loved that truck and was most excited about taking it back to the cabin in Montana, it seems. He took care of his family in the same manner. We practically watched his grandson Austin grow up at the school down the street and then into multiple jobs, and multiple cars along the way. We h ... read more
Posted on 12/2/2022
Today we're channeling things we learned from our parents - From Dad: "Work hard, play hard." From Mom: "Work before play, and enjoy the weather - it's a beautiful day. (No matter the weather.)" So first the work hard... This recent winter weather we're experiencing is a great time to test out your Anti-lock Brakes (ABS). And while testing those brakes if you happen to tag a curb or pothole, perhaps it's time for an alignment? At Perforamnce Tune Auto Repair, we can help you with both of those services. Now the play hard... When you find yourself in a big open parking lot in fresh snow, it's a good time to test your car's behavior in slippery conditions. And if you happen to see a car spinning circles in the snow in the parking lot next to our shop, don't worry - the driver probably works for us! We never do it with customer cars, we promise... and remember, driver pays all fines. Have fun, be safe, and ... read more
Posted on 4/17/2022
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to share that gift with others. Every small business takes on the personality of its owner. Growing up in a small business family in North Dakota (my father was a pharmacist offering midnight prescription deliveries), I loved the customer service aspect of it all. But I was also the kid who could identify every late ‘60s muscle car at a thousand yards. There was no doubt, cars were in my blood. Mis-diagnosed in high school, I went on to study computer science and business and began a long career in consumer electronics - marketing, product management, sales development, travel. It was a good ride, supporting our growing family, allowing me to coach youth soccer and lead the Cub Scouts. Around the year 2000, a drag racer moved into the neighborhood. Engines roaring in the evening, I made my way over to meet him. This was the beginning of “shop night,” twenty years of “Every Thursday night ... read more
Posted on 4/17/2022
The moment you realize your car needs to stop, nothing is more important! Reducing your car to its basic functions, they are: start, run, go, stop. Many advanced features are layered on top, but at the time you need each of these basic functions there is really nothing more important. Brakes, by definition, are consumable items. Using hydraulic pressure and friction to stop your vehicle, they create a lot of heat in the process. Brakes wear thin over time, and we expect to replace them. Quality brakes cost money, and we don’t want to replace them too soon. That is where brake inspections come in. A proper brake inspection checks many items. It begins with a test drive to experience what you experience. We listen for noises, and we pay attention to vibrations or pulls. We check brake pedal operation, and verify that the brake lights illuminate. We remove each wheel to inspect and measure the components underneath: pad or shoe thickness, rotor or drum wear. We inspect calipe ... read more
Posted on 11/30/2020
“Why Change Your Oil?” If you drive a car, there is no doubt you have heard that you need to change your oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. But do you know why? Cars today are absolute engineering marvels. In recent years we have learned to squeeze more and more performance from engines by utilizing technologies such as variable valve timing and lift, cylinder deactivation, direct fuel injection and turbochargers. As consumers we have demanded more performance and more fuel economy for our dollar. Parts inside the engine move incredibly fast, generating friction and heat. Engine oil provides lubrication and cooling, allowing the parts to work together smoothly without overheating or seizing. Additionally, advanced engine technologies such as variable valve timing, employ oil pressure to activate, providing fuel economy when you want it and engine power when you need it! Driving too long between oil changes can be risky business. Fast-moving parts break dow ... read more