Ft. Collins Auto Repair

All Tech Automotive WestMonday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
1007 Centre Ave. , Fort Collins, CO 80526
All Tech Automotive EastMonday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
450 Industrial Dr. , Fort Collins, CO 80524

Tag Archives: auto repair

Buying a “New Car”? Get it Inspected First!!

Buying a “New Car”? Get it Inspected First!!

We frequently get calls from folks looking to buy a used car or truck. They would like to have the vehicle inspected to find out if the asking price is right and if the new purchase will be a good fit for them. Over the years we have found that it is critical to have a used vehicle checked out before purchase, not after as several folks have done. Most people are honest and straight forward when selling a car or truck, but unfortunately there are some who are just trying to dump a junker off on an unsuspecting buyer. In fact, some of the worst cases we have seen involve foreign students who come here to study at CSU. We have seen some new students from overseas who have never owned a car sold a nightmare. So here is what we recommend: always, ALWAYS, have a used vehicle inspected before purchase. If the seller does not want to allow you to take it someplace for inspection, run, don’t walk away fro ... read more

20 OCT 2010 Avoid Standing On Line – Use the Rapid Screen Testing at the Side of the Road

20 OCT 2010 Avoid Standing On Line – Use the Rapid Screen Testing at the Side of the Road

By driving through the Rapid Screen setup along the side of the road and having two consecutive passing readings in the year before your test/renewal is due, you can avoid the trip to the testing station. This link https://aircarecolorado.com/locations/wait-times will show you where the vans are parked for the week. Many times there are two or even three vans parked on the I 25 south bound on ramps at Mulberry, Prospect, and/or Harmony. A quick trip out to the freeway and some down and up driving may be all it takes. Remember: 1. two consecutive trips with a passing grade 2. the trips must be at two different sites if on the same day 3. the tests must not occur within the two months before your due date as the reports will not be available to the county 4. you can start the drive through process up to one year before your tags are set to renew 5. YOU NEED TO BE ACCELERATING AS ... read more

New Winter Maintenance Special

